Monday 18 February 2008

RE: Mon Update

ha ha ha, thats so funny and loving the updates, keep em coming! Wish I was out there playing with you guys, sounds so much fun.

U sharpie
> From:
> To:;;
> Subject: Mon Update
> Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 18:58:12 +0000
> 7:30 and just had tea but had to add to info already
> supplied...............
> JB, JF & Ellie. Made a girl-strength curry for tea and the only one
> that could take it was Francis!! At least Ellie admitted it was too
> hot for her!!! The two gay-boys were holding hands under the table,
> crying and claiming it was too hot for their lips. Total
> lightweights............
> Pic is of them entertaining themselves come evening time and Ellie is
> in another corner on her lappy - what's it all about?? Everyone seems
> to have lost the power of conversation!
> Also outstanding is a Birch tradition; skier of the day and coward of
> the day. Catherine always tells me off for doing coward of the day but
> its gotta be done.......
> Sat/1st day;
> - coward of the day -: no votes
> - skier of the day -: Dad (yippee)
> Sun/2nd day;
> - coward of the day -: Dad (bottled out of skiing all day)
> - skier of the day -; JB (front flipped all 3 kickers in a row in park)
> Mon;
> - cowards of the day:- Webbo, Bungle and Gayvin for not even coming up
> the hill
> - skier of the day -: Ellie AND Francis -tied vote!!!!! Ell & Frankie
> got big in the pipe and both got alleyoops and 360 alleyoops
> Roll on tomorrow..............

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.