Sunday 6 April 2008


Oh No!!!!

Its happened - disaster.

As expected and feared they arrived 2 hours late.

But guess what happened out of terminal 5 - or does it need

Yep - Catherine, Francesca and Chris's luggage not arrived. So they
are knackered for tomorrow and who knows how many days. I've bought
lessons for Chris from tomorrow, passes for all three from tomorrow.
So who will rembirse them, me, us for all the losses and consequential

At Geneva they were given NO information, no help, nothing. Totally,
totally shocking. Apart from "you can drive back tomorrow and see if
they've arrived". How pathetic is that.

So 3 people unable to ski tomorrow. No clean clothes, no underwear, no
toothbrush. Thanks for cocking up our hols BA!! Don't be surprised to
see losses in business over the next year or so? And as usual no one
will be held accountable..............

Total balls.

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