Saturday 29 March 2008

We're Off!! Laax, Switzerland

For the freeski british championships for a week (& then onto Les Gets
where Catherine, Francesca & boyfriend Chris join us - that's Chesc's
boyfriend - not Catherines!) with Josh, Ellie, Francis & Zax.

Supposed to get 1am Chunnel, drive for 2-3 hrs, have a snooze and then
crack on, hopefully arriving mid afternoon. That's all gone pear-
shaped with Issac off school all day Friday throwing up! We thought
he was better and packed the car, and right on time, 10:30pm he
started throwing up again.

So; decided to have a sleep and see how he felt. Got up 4am & drove
like a madman to get to check-in 30 mins prior to departure of 6:50
Chunnel. What a waste of time that was as they told us it was full and
I'd have to get 7:20am and "because it was in peak period I'd have to
pay £50"!!!! Convenient??

Well we're now on "7:20" and yet my watch says its 7:55 and we are

Everyone is tired and grumpy, boys are arguing about which DS game
they want to play (counted up how many we had before we left and they
have over 40!!) and now, to top it all off, Issac has just announced
he's still feeling sick and is "going to vomit all over Ellie any
minute". Angelic child.

Badly taken pic is two of them on Chunnel waiting to go.

NOT looking forward to todays drive - am seriously getting sick of
driving all the time. Next year I am defo gonna fly Feb holiday to
break it all up; seems like only yesterday I was driving back from
Morzine/Feb hols........

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